If you can't get out to train with us on the range, then train with us at HOME!
Tactical Flashcards
HKUSA is happy to help support the efforts of Brian and Shelley over at The Complete Combatant. We are supplying STREAMLIGHT Microstream Flashlights in each Image Based Decisional Drill unit. We recognize that the gun is NOT the answer to most confrontations and The Complete Combatant's Image Based Decisional Drills is a perfect way to prepare, test and sharpen your non lethal techniques. We are happy to help.
Bill Dermody Heckler & Koch Marketing Director |
Brian and Shelley’s commitment to providing the highest quality of information and training is captured in the incredible IBDD program they created. This program is one of it's kind and will no doubt improve anyone's response time, leading them to act quickly and appropriately to the situation at hand. At POM, we are proud to be able to support such a worthy endeavor in any way we can!
Alexander Caruso, POM Industries |