Image Based Decisional Drills: Tactical Flashcard Expansion Packs include 8 Image Cards and most are $19.99 each (includes shipping).
Make sure to take a gander at ALL the cards because we have roughly 30 Expansion packs now. Some Image Cards will be personality or situation based, depending on who has picked the images. Some Image Cards will be location based or theme based. Please read the descriptions in each expansion pack and keep track of which cards you have purchased. Collect them all! We also offer partner SPECIALS with discounts and even $1 Expansion Packs. READ THIS CAREFULLY.
If you have a "storefront" business and would like to sell Image Based Decisional Drill Kits then please contact us for WHOLESALE options. |
We currently have 2 (two) "stores". Not the most convenient way to sell/purchase but they are both FULL of awesome The Complete Combatant, Image Based Decisional Drills, and Smart Choices items so please visit BOTH!
Expansion Pack (A) has 8 images that are hand picked by Shelley Hill. "My Image cards are a mixture of all of the options and decisions. I specifically chose images that I relate to in some way." Shelley Hill of The Complete Combatant Please make note that we run a SPECIAL on TM's Expansion packs 3 months out of the year in celebration of The Mingle! Alumni of TM will be applicable to purchase TM EP for $9.99 when they purchase an IBDD KIT or NO KIT. Only 1 SPECIAL EP per order. They must ship together. |
Expansion Pack (B) has 8 images that are hand picked by Brian Hill. "I chose to focus my Image cards on pre-assault indicators because this is what gives us enough time to react to a dangerous situation." Brian Hill of The Complete Combatant |
Expansion Pack (C) has 8 images that are hand picked by Annette Evans. "Life on our own can be a little different from when there's someone else around to help keep us safe. These cards will help you explore how you can become your own, self-rescuing hero." Annette Evans |
Expansion Pack (D) has 8 images that are hand picked by John Correia. "I hand picked these 8 images because it will make a person THINK about what is the best response that they have in their repertoire. Each image represents a mixture of responses and potential threats." John Correia of Active Self Protection. Please make note that we run a SPECIAL on ASP's Expansion packs throughout of the year in celebration of the awesome work they do! Alumni of The ASP National Conference and LIVE courses will be applicable to purchase an ASP EP for $9.99 when they purchase an IBDD KIT or NO KIT. Only 1 SPECIAL EP per order. They must ship together. |
Expansion Pack (G) has 8 images that are hand picked by Dr. Sherman House. "I chose these images because they are most relevant to the types of emergencies I teach in my courses." Dr. Sherman House of Civilian Defender |
Expansion Pack (H) has 8 images that are hand picked by Melody Lauer. "I chose images that elicit a sense of uncertainty by the nature of their ambiguity. The number of possible directions the situation progress makes identifying any one correct answer difficult. Complex and ambiguous scenarios may seem overwhelming, but ultimately they are dealt with the same way simple decisions are made: one at a time." Melody Lauer of Citizens Defense Research |
Expansion Pack (I) has 8 images that are hand picked by Jack Clemons. "One of the main things I enjoy is the ability to design drills based on situations that are unique to each individual." Jack Clemons |
Pack L: A GIRL & A GUN
Expansion Pack (L) has 8 images that are hand picked by Robyn Sandoval. "These images give the student opportunities to use a variety of tools to gain time and distance to gather more information. Some scenes prompt the student to use deescalation techniques, while others require the deployment of a self-defense tool, and some simply call for a heightened state of situational awareness and analysis of future actions that may be needed under changing conditions." Robyn Sandoval of A Girl & A Gun Please make note that we run a SPECIAL on AGAG's Expansion packs 3 months out of the year in celebration of our invitation to present at their National Conference! Alumni of AGAGNC will be applicable to purchase AGAG EP for $9.99 when they purchase an IBDD KIT or NO KIT. Only 1 SPECIAL EP per order. They must ship together. |
Pack M: Aprill Risk Consulting
Expansion Pack (M) has 8 images that are hand picked William Aprill. These are very interesting images and may not be as easy as you think. They make you ponder on things because there are usually several RIGHT answers....that is all I am going to say about that. BUY THIS PACK and see..... Thursday, Aug. 6th, 2020: The training industry lost one of its sharpest minds today, William Aprill. A gifted teacher and orator, William’s classes on Unthinkable and Violent Criminal Actors changed the way I both approached, and taught my classes. To say he profoundly influenced me seems like an understatement. A great shooter, teacher, and counselor, his passing leaves a hole in the Personal Protections training that will not soon be filled. His sharp wit, and deep compassion made him a keen observer of mankind, and a deeply private individual who was always looking for the truth wherever it may hide. Shelley and I will miss him greatly, and are deeply saddened by his passing. This is the quote that he started his classes with, and to me it sums up his spirit: "The strength of a person's spirit would then be measured by how much 'truth' he could tolerate, or more precisely, to what extent he needs to have it diluted, disguised, sweetened, muted, falsified.” Friedrich Nietzsche Short is our life, and quick is our passing. Live each moment. As the great stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius advised: “You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think. — Marcus Aurelius” |
Pack N: Situation Cards
Expansion Pack (N) has 8 different situations for the more advanced person. Before your practice session you pull 1 or even 2 cards and follow the directions on that card. Example: You flip over 1 card that says "CROWDED AREA". That means every decision you make must be sensitive to a large crowd around you. Example: You flip over 2 cards. One says "CROWDED AREA". The other says "LOW LIGHT". That means every decision you make must be sensitive to a large crowd around you while using a flashlight to ID and see. |
Pack O: Polite Society Podcast
Expansion Pack (O) has 8 images that are hand picked by Paul Lathrop "I chose these 8 images as a group because they symbolized situations I could easily see happening to average citizens in today’s society. In some cases action should have been taken long before getting as close as the camera was in some of these images. Regardless, in each image, a clear course of action came into my mind after looking at them. Not all the images have all the information I would like to have before making a decision, but that is how life is., you use the best information you have and act on that information to create the best situation that you can. I thoroughly enjoyed the process of looking at these and the “practice thoughts” of what actions I should then take if I were to find myself in these situations in real life. As my good friend and colleague Rob Morse is fond of saying, in an emergency you won’t be able to do what you haven’t practiced. That includes your mind. I heartily endorse practicing your mind and thinking “what would I do if?” Even if what you see is not exactly like something you went over as a scenario in your head previously, recognizing a situation and responding quickly and correctly can save you time and possibly save lives. Finally, I would encourage you to practice “people watching.” Your goal should be to recognize threats when there is enough distance between you and that threat to give you time to react. In every encounter I have outside my home when I very first see someone I check one of two boxes in my head, Potential threat, or Unlikely to be a potential threat. I have been doing this for years, since I have taken my very first self-defense course. Noting body language and type of movement (speedy, casual, somewhat jerky as if intoxicated) can give you information a long time in advance and help you stay out of situations where you may need to take immediate action." Paul Lathrop |
This Expansion is extra special because IN YOUR PACK will be a handout where PTG addresses each of the 8 cards with a "what you could consider doing". Obviously, PTG is "held harmless" of any and all actions. This is just a suggestion from a professional that specializes in church security. We advise you train with him (or another professional) so you have well rounded skills. Focusing on verbal commands, verbal de-escalation, when to walk way, good team communication, and more. Basically, non lethal, less lethal and lethal decisions need to be quick, legal, and successful.
Pack P: #1 Church Security (IBDD Certified Instructors)
Expansion Pack (P) has 8 images that are hand picked by Steve Moses of Palisade Training Group (PTG). Steve's focus is on helping church security teams with different scenarios. Steve is a customer support representative for the Firearms Trainers Association and frequently appear as the “tactical guy” on CCW Safe Podcasts with host Shawn Vincent and Don West, a veteran criminal attorney who successfully represented George Zimmerman during a high-profile murder trial. He is also a long-time firearms trainer and former deputy constable with experience doing executive/dignitary protection for international, state, and national politicians. Steve spent approximately eight years as a team leader on a nine-man Dallas/Fort Worth area church security team in which the minister’s sermons were televised to a large viewing audience. It was not uncommon at the time that he was on the team for nearly 20,000 persons to pass through the main campus on a single weekend, and as a result the team dealt with a multitude of challenges. Steve moved to East Texas in late 2009 and along with his long-time business partner started teaching Church Security clinics, Church Security Team classes, and eventually Church Security Team Leader/Instructor courses. The scenarios in his Expansion Pack(s) include his personal take as to how he would respond (as well as how he would want the members on his team to do the same) based upon the limited non-verbal information available from a still photograph. |
Pack Q: Modern Samurai Project
Expansion Pack (Q) has 8 images that are hand picked by Beverly & Scott "Jedi" Jedlinski. “All of the images I chose embody a sense of foreboding. Each image needs to be carefully examined for context, as they may not be what they at first seem. Powerful and compelling, these images portray explosive actions.” Beverly & Scott Jedlinski |
Pack R: Defensive Training International
Expansion Pack (R) has 8 images that are hand picked by John & Vicki Farnam. "We choose these photos to help the user understand that your response may change once you have the chance to go back and look a second time. A glimpse of something does not mean seeing the totality. Training yourself to truly see what you are looking at is the goal." Vicki & John Farnam |
Pack S: KR Training
Expansion Pack (S) has 8 images that are handmade by Karl Rehn and his team. All 8 images are well thought out and really make you think "what would I do"? They are clear images but the "answers" may not be....put your thinking cap on.... |
Pack T: Agile Training & Consulting
Expansion Pack (T) has 8 images that are hand picked by The Legendary Lawman Chuck Haggard. "I picked those from the choices because I think people should have a wide range of skills, verbal, OC, empty hand, medical, avoidance." Chuck Haggard |
Pack U: Greg Ellifritz of Active Response Training
Expansion Pack (U) has 8 images that were hand picked by Greg Ellifritz. CLICK HERE: WOW!!! We are blown away by the article that Greg Elliftitz published today at Active Response Training. "An excellent tool to help you improve your judgement and response abilities in the context of self defense. I would recommend that you actually use the tools that they have included in the kit. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve seen in pepper spray class who can’t correctly push a button under stress. I see people fumbling with telephones on almost every 911 call to which I respond. The only way to avoid that chaos is to practice using all of your available response options during training. The Image Based Decisional Drills kit allows you to do just that." Greg Ellifritz |
This Expansion is extra special because IN YOUR PACK will be a handout where PTG addresses each of the 8 cards with a "what you could consider doing". Obviously, PTG is "held harmless" of any and all actions. This is just a suggestion from a professional that specializes in church security. We advise you train with him (or another professional) so you have well rounded skills. Focusing on verbal commands, verbal de-escalation, when to walk way, good team communication, and more. Basically, non lethal, less lethal and lethal decisions need to be quick, legal, and successful.
Pack V: #2 Church Security (IBDD Certified Instructors)
Expansion Pack (V) has 8 images that are hand picked by Steve Moses of Palisade Training Group (PTG). Steve's focus is on helping church security teams with different scenarios. Steve is a customer support representative for the Firearms Trainers Association and frequently appear as the “tactical guy” on CCW Safe Podcasts with host Shawn Vincent and Don West, a veteran criminal attorney who successfully represented George Zimmerman during a high-profile murder trial. He is also a long-time firearms trainer and former deputy constable with experience doing executive/dignitary protection for international, state, and national politicians. Steve spent approximately eight years as a team leader on a nine-man Dallas/Fort Worth area church security team in which the minister’s sermons were televised to a large viewing audience. It was not uncommon at the time that he was on the team for nearly 20,000 persons to pass through the main campus on a single weekend, and as a result the team dealt with a multitude of challenges. Steve moved to East Texas in late 2009 and along with his long-time business partner started teaching Church Security clinics, Church Security Team classes, and eventually Church Security Team Leader/Instructor courses. The scenarios in his Expansion Pack(s) include his personal take as to how he would respond (as well as how he would want the members on his team to do the same) based upon the limited non-verbal information available from a still photograph. |
Pack W: TactiComedy
Expansion Pack (W) has 8 images that are hand picked by TactiComedy. "I picked the cards I did because some of the people in my audience that I reach have this preconceived notion that every problem is a gun problem. I support IBDD because concealed carry is way more than “bOoGeR hOoK oFf bAnG sWiTcH”! TactiComedy GOT A PROMO CODE FROM TACTICOMEDY? If so, TC Expansion Packs are FREE to TC supporters when you buy an Image Based Decisional Drill KIT or NO KIT. You will get the code through TactiComedy. One pack per IBDD order. |
Pack X: Bulwarks, LLC
Expansion Pack (X) has 8 images that are hand picked by Karen Reinhard Farthing. "The cards I chose are things that I have actually encountered in real life - and they made me uncomfortable, uneasy, and indecisive. I wanted to practice real-life "failures" to work out a better result. And work them out, I DID"! Karen Reinhard Farthing GOT A PROMO CODE FROM BULWARKS, LLC? If so, Bulwarks Expansion Packs are FREE to Bulwarks supporters when you buy an Image Based Decisional Drill KIT or NO KIT. You will get the code through Bulwarks. One pack per IBDD order. |
Pack Y: Citizens Safety Academy
Expansion Pack (Y) has 8 images that are hand picked by Aqil Qadir. "The thing we can do that will have cause the greatest increase in our personal safety and security is situational awareness. In short, knowing who’s around us and what they’re doing. As Claude Werner would say, “It’s better to stay out of trouble than to have to get out of trouble”. These images resonated with me as they represent the typical situations that citizens can find themselves in, and if they’ve developed solid pre-planned responses, they can make sound decisions that will save lives. I hope that works and if not tweak as necessary or send back and tell me what needs changing." Aq Qadir |
Pack Z: The Tactical Professor
Expansion Pack (Z) has 8 images that are hand picked by Claude Werner The Tactical Professor. I chose my expansion pack cards with two distinct criteria in mind:
Pack AA: Situation Cards
Expansion Pack (AA) has 8 different situations for the more advanced person. Before your practice session you pull 1 or even 2 cards and follow the directions on that card. Example: You flip over 1 card that says "CROWDED AREA". That means every decision you make must be sensitive to a large crowd around you. Example: You flip over 2 cards. One says "CROWDED AREA". The other says "LOW LIGHT". That means every decision you make must be sensitive to a large crowd around you while using a flashlight to ID and see. |
Pack BB: Armed Women of America
Expansion Pack (BB) has 8 images that are hand picked by Armed Women of America's team of leaders throughout the country. "We selected these situations as they touch on subjects that we cover in our meetings such as situational awareness, self-defense and being prepared to assist with medical needs." AWA |
Pack CC: Lucky Gunner
Expansion Pack (CC) has 8 images that are hand picked by Chris Baker. "Exercises like these force us to think outside of the kinds of circumstances that typically come to mind when we imagine "extreme situations." Most problems we come across in life are not problems we can solve with skills we practice at the range. Simply being accustomed to acting decisively in the face of novel situations really goes a long way, regardless of what equipment or technical skills we may possess." Chris Baker |
Pack DD: Tales from the Range TRAVEL PACK #1
Expansion Pack (DD) has 8 images that were either taken by Karen or hand picked by Karen. "How often have you stayed in a hotel that wasn't in a great area of town or were on a road trip and stopped at a gas station that felt a little sketchy? I chose these images as part of a 'travel pack' because we often have a reasonable level of confidence in our ability to deal with situations in our home environment but what do we do in unfamiliar settings? Quite often, the self defense tools you might have with you at home are not available to you while traveling. It is important to be able to come up with a plan of action no matter where you are." Karen Whitlock |
Pack EE: Tatiana Whitlock - Training in Context
"Context is critical. These eight images were selected because they are visual reflections of situations that I discuss regularly in my classes. None of them were selected because they offer “obvious” solutions but rather invite pause, require interpretation or context to best choose what you would do next. I challenge users of this pack to build contextual scenarios ranging from happy, scary, benign for each image and explore how their responses might vary. " Tatiana Whitlock |
Pack FF: Tales from the Range TRAVEL PACK #2
Expansion Pack (FF) has 8 images that were either taken by Karen or hand picked by Karen. "How often have you stayed in a hotel that wasn't in a great area of town or were on a road trip and stopped at a gas station that felt a little sketchy? I chose these images as part of a 'travel pack' because we often have a reasonable level of confidence in our ability to deal with situations in our home environment but what do we do in unfamiliar settings? Quite often, the self defense tools you might have with you at home are not available to you while traveling. It is important to be able to come up with a plan of action no matter where you are." Karen Whitlock |
Pack GG: Tales from the Range TRAVEL PACK #3
Expansion Pack (GG) has 8 images that were either taken by Karen or hand picked by Karen. "How often have you stayed in a hotel that wasn't in a great area of town or were on a road trip and stopped at a gas station that felt a little sketchy? I chose these images as part of a 'travel pack' because we often have a reasonable level of confidence in our ability to deal with situations in our home environment but what do we do in unfamiliar settings? Quite often, the self defense tools you might have with you at home are not available to you while traveling. It is important to be able to come up with a plan of action no matter where you are." Karen Whitlock |
™ & © 2020 The Complete Combatant, LLC, Dahlonega, GA USA. All Rights Reserved
Customer Contact: [email protected] 404-936-6986
Customer Contact: [email protected] 404-936-6986