image based decisional drill Instructor Certification reviews
If you can't get out to train with us on the range, then train with us at HOME!
I recently attended the Image Based Decision Drills Instructor Certification Course in Lugoff, SC with Brian Hill.
What an amazing weekend with an amazing COACH! The quantity and quality of information that you get during this course is unbelievable. Being able “to quickly make ONE good FIRST decision” in today’s environment is a MUST! If you are a firearms instructor, this is a must course for you. Take the time, invest the money, and reap the benefits of this training. Your students will thank you for this information and will probably save someone's life. Thanks also to Shelley who got us all in the right place at the right time. What a great group of people we had in the class to train and learn with. Gloria K, VA |
I recently attended The Complete Combatant Image Based Decisional Drill Instructor's Course. I had utilized the curriculum prior to this training and wasn't sure how much more there could be in exploring it further. This training was AMAZING! I've run through scenarios trying to imagine what I would do in stressful situations, but this really bumped up the stressors and showed me the importance of seeing deeply in a quick manner to make that first best decision. Seeing other tool options for my own protection was something I had only minimally considered but being able to actually use those tools in a training situation encouraged me to practice and train more.
In addition, the instructor skills that Brian Hill demonstrated and taught will go far in helping me to become a better instructor with my own students. My coaching toolbox was definitely broadened as a result of this training. Brian is warm, personable and easy to approach as a trainer. He makes students feel at ease and comfortable while he shares some of his 40 years of experience as a high level instructor. I look forward to future opportunities to attend The Complete Combatant courses. Donna Hatcher Getts |
Howdy folks!
Yesterday I ran KR Training’s Personal Tactics Skills course. Traditionally it’s been a 3 hour classroom-only course where we talk about things like Ayoob’s priorities of survival, Cooper’s color codes, strategies about skills vs. gear, home defense strategies, vehicle strategies, etc. Some whiles ago we added in a short OC component. And yesterday, I ran the first version of our class to add in IBDD. :-) After taking the IBDD-I class in July, it got my and Karl’s wheels turning on how we could incorporate IBDD into the KRT curriculum. I proposed this approach, extending the class to 4 hours: 1.5 on the traditional material, 0.5 on OC, and 2 on IBDD. For IBDD I used the PowerPoint deck y’all provided and just ran through it. It’s good background, and of course a good crawl-walk-run approach to things. Big hit. Students loved it. The option cards should be a requirement for the classroom, they really help impress options into the minds of the students. I even found myself more excited about the program after having run this class. The material dovetailed quite well with our PTS and OC components – everything built upon everything else. Students really loved the interactivity, the stress, the decision-making – I think appetites were whet. We’ll see where it goes. But it feels like a success. John C. Daub |
CLICK HERE: AAR: Image Based Decisional Drills Instructor Course. I first heard about Image Based Decisional Drills (IBDD) at the virtual 2020 A Girl and A Gun National Conference and purchased “The Kit” in hopes of bringing it to my students via Zoom. After getting the product in my hands, I didn’t feel I could present the program effectively virtually without additional training, so I put it on the shelf for a year.
CLICK HERE: Make ONE good FIRST Decision by Sandra Kozero
It’s late at night and you are out of gas. You should have done it earlier, but now you don’t have a choice. You stop at your local gas station to add a few gallons of fuel to get you home. As usual, one of the dozen lights illuminating the pumps is flickering. Before you turn off your car, you circle the parking lot to make sure there are no suspicious cars or people in the vicinity. You see an employee and a customer at the register through the wall of windows in the front of the store. You park and get out of the vehicle only to discover the credit card reader isn’t working. You walk quickly toward the store checking behind you to make sure no one is following you. As you enter, the double doors close behind you and you find the “customer” is holding up the employee with one hand reaching out demanding the money from the till and the other on what looks like the largest black pistol you have ever seen. Your presence has startled the robber and you now find yourself looking down the barrel of a handgun and 4 yards from a very jittery criminal. What do you do? Well that depends. You have to wait for your brain to tell you what to do, but first your brain has to work through the all the available options that it can imagine, then provide you what it thinks is the best solution............. |